The Charity and the Trustees
Charity Number 200298
There are currently six Trustees for Lord Wharton’s Charity
Four represent the Church of England
and Three represent Non-Conformist Churches
You are welcome to contact any of the Trustees directly for advice and information, especially those representing your denomination.
Mr Andrew McMurtrie – Church of England & Financial Advisor
The Trustees recently accepted the nomination of Mr Andrew McMurtrie as the replacement Trustee representing the Church of England. He is already well known to them as Andrew has recently served as the financial advisor, a role that he will continue.
Mr Geoffrey Edwards – Church of England
Geoffrey Edwards was a primary headteacher before becoming an adviser for Church of England schools. Now ‘retired’ he finds he less free time than when he was in ‘paid employment’!
Rev Mary Hawes – Church of England
The Revd Mary Hawes was the National Children & Youth Adviser for the Church of England and now serves as the Associate Priest in the Parish of St Mary’s Teddington.
Rev Oliver Ross – Church of England
Oliver is Vicar of Malmesbury and Upper Avon, in Bristol Diocese. Previously he was Area Dean to the City of London. Oliver is married to Lizzi who is a choreographer and they have 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren. Oliver enjoys teaching art history in Rome and Byzantium; he also likes wild swimming, opera and the cinema; he is interested in Church Growth and Planting.
Neil Mackenzie – United Reformed Church
Neil lives in Southport, and is a retired lawyer. Since retiring he has served as the Trust Officer for the Mersey Synod of the United Reformed Church. He is married and has three daughters.
Rev Mike Lowe – Baptist Union
Rev Mike Lowe is the National Communications Manager for the Baptist Union of Great Britain. He is also an artist and belongs to Painting for Freedom, a small charity which brings together art, spirituality and justice. It donates to Freeset a Christian freedom business in India which frees women caught in sex trafficking. Prior to his current role he was a local minister in Derby for nine years. He is married and has two children.
Adrian Burton – Methodist Church
Adrian is passionate about sharing God’s Word – being very active in Good News for Everyone (formerly the Gideons). In the Methodist Church, he is a local preacher in the Huddersfield Circuit and has held a range of roles at Connexional level. Adrian works in financial services.
Rev Peter Sheasby (Methodist) – The Clerk
The Revd. Peter Sheasby studied Theology at Manchester. He served in Yorkshire, Lancashire and Nottinghamshire before his retirement to Airedale. He is married to Chris who is a published author of prayers and they have one daughter Anna. Peter’s father David was the previous Methodist Trustee.
c/o Lord Wharton Charity Trustees
12 Copse Place, Steeton, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 6FD
For further details, please contact us on 07761652008 or